Showing posts with label bloggers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bloggers. Show all posts

Saturday, August 2, 2008

get ready world. i'm coming right at YOU.

ho! ho! horaaay! horaay for me and my new blog. :)
i've had countless accounts in different blog havens, and i'm hoping to keep this shit! hahaha but i'm not letting go of my multiply blog.
according to my media locker, i have 500 blogs.
how cool is that!!!
500 blogs in two years.

that only means i don't blog every single day.

and that's not right! HHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

and i'm going to start this oh so faaaaay-bulous blog with


(i want a bigger font!!!!
still getting used to this. new. blogging system. haha)

a few aeons ago, my friend once said .1
"blogs are what emo kids need to survive this cruel, cruel world"

and i commented on his blog and said
"so true. haha!"
that was like a few months ago.

and now i realize, (after the realization that I AM A BLOGGER TOO), that blogs are what KIDS need to survive this cruel, cruel world. EMO. don't monopolize the blogging industry.

admit it. the world isn't too nice to us right now. along with the technological advancements of the world, we have pedophilia, sex scandals, porntube, gang rapes, a more widespread use of drugs, broken families, premarital sex, teenage pregnancy, terrorism, corruption, and just more of everything. it's like any minute now, another hitler is bound to appear from seafoam and drop bombs everywhere.

and then we have

psychology majors know that adolescence is a very. uhm. (insert appropriate word here, something like crucial but not really, something like critical but less harsh) stage of a person's life. it's when an individual finds his/her identity. it's an age of confusion, or further curiosity, of exploration, of whatevers.

and yes, to deal with everything, if not most, some kids resort to BLOGGING. :)
we, kids, are like coke in cans. there's so much going on our minds, so much to say, so much to think of, just so much of everything. when we're so fed up with things inside us, we have the tendency to explode! (i.e. schizophrenia, chronic depression, etc.)

just like coke. (try shaking it real hard) we need a venue to vent out everything. sure, there are friends. relatives. school counselors and stuff. but then it's different when you let it out the way you want it to. with no judgment to think about, no counselor to say "so how do you feel about it?" (and then deep inside you you're screaming right back at her, I JUST TOLD YOU!!!!!)
just when kids feel like they're all alone, like no one's listening to them, they blog.

and then they feel like the whole world's watching. listening to every word you type.
releasing energy is therapeutic. some people feel better after writing down their feelings and insights. it's like unloading a heavy burden. (heavY? burden?) and it's more addicting when you know that lots of people see your blog, comment your blog. because you know that people are giving you attention. :)


2. i believe that there's this little ME inside all of us that screams for attention at every opportunity it can grab. and it's just not obvious at the conscious level. this attention-seeking little freak is what we call our ID. yeah, we all know that our ID is our inner child. and it's unconscious. we don't know it's there. WE DENY IT'S THERE. but it's there. promise. hahaha

There's this theory by JO and HARRY (i forgot their real names but i swear this is true):
THE JOHARI WINDOW (hmm i wonder who made this theory. haha)
There are four windows:
  • window1 is the self that is known to yourself and to others, or what everyone knows about you and what you know about yourself too..
  • Window2 is the self that is known to yourself but unknown to others, meaning, what you hide. secrets. dreams, attitudes you don't want people to know.
  • Window3 is the self that is unknown to yourself and known to others. it's what people think of you that you are unaware of. :)
  • and the last window. this window was said to be an individual's TRUEST self. :) this is where the SELF is unknown to you and to others. HOW COOL IS THAT. it's like having another person inside of us (wait. that didn't sound right. but you get the point), we just don't know he's/she's there. why is this considered to be the truest self? because. this is where our mannerisms, dreams, slips come in. things we cannot control, things we are unaware of doing come from our unconscious. and this is dangerous because it unvoluntarily shows. HAHA.
so even if we don't really admit that we want attention, blogging is a way of seeking that attention. yes, let the world know that we hate our parents, let the world know how much we secretly want to take home that hottie you saw by the photocopying booth. let the world know who we really are. HAHAHA


3. EVERYONE'S BLOGGING. why shouldn't we?! hahahahaha
In Maslow's heirarchy of needs, the 3rd level of need that every person should be able to attain is BELONGINGNESS. hahaha. ADMIT IT! we want to belong to the world. (hell yeah we should WANT it. haha)

(whew. it took me 2 days to finish this blog.)
August 4, 2008 Monday
- Theo class 730-0830
- Cognitive Class 830-930
- BREAK! WOOH. study! 930-1030
- Experimental Psychology Long Test 3 1030-1130
- Philosophy Class 1130-1230
- Exprimental Psychology Laboratory 1230-430
- GO TO MASS AT 5:15. i feel like i'm going to be possessed any minute now. i need to get my spiritual groove back.
- TRY TO STAY AWAY FROM THE INTERNET AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. i need to get a lot of things done. :) (like Philo chapter1, physiology, theology)

oh. and. go buy an umbrealla please. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
dancing in the rain is fine, but. haha you get the point. :)

oh oh and wanna know why i've been uber happy this weekend? :)
